I am a wounded soldier part of an invisible army that never stops marching, always under threat, ambushed constantly. The wounds are sometimes inflicted by my own comrades in battle, who themselves are ambushed by the enemy. Those are the deepest wounds that take time to heal, often open and tender that take, what seems to be forever, to heal.
In the midst of the battle I open and read the love letter written to me, it is like ointment for the wounds and injuries, letters that soothes the soul, strengthens the inner man; strength to the bones and meat to my flesh.
But suddenly an arrow strikes, I fall, weakened by its poison leaked into my soul. Lying alone in the middle of the war zone, dark clouds of condemning words all around. The enemy scatters my friends and in the chaos I am over-looked, stepped on and knocked down. The festering wound cause me to cry out, and the pain presses me into the muddy ground of despair.
Hearing the battle waging on around me, I am surprised by a tender hand on my face and a gentle kiss on the lips. The noise around me disappears and I hear a softly spoken prayer filled with passion and power that lifts my soul, strengthens the my inner man and the pain disappears. I feel courage enter in and I, determined to persevere, I try to get up. The gentle hand suddenly so powerful, grips mine and pulls me to my feet. I stagger, resisting against the mud. Looking around straining to see the light that once gave me hope and direction, but this war has stirred up the dust; clouds of hate, evil, and fear that's been kicked up into my eyes. Squinting them I look for the light, I listen for the sounds of love, but can only hear words like poisoned arrows whiz by and echo through this valley.
How did I end up here? I remember the words spoken from a pulpit that sounded like truth. My eyes were opened to another dimension, another reality that came out of the shadows of this physical realm and enlightened my inner man. It was Truth, not a doctrine but Christ Himself that captured my heart, and I began the journey that lead me into His kingdom.
We were trained and instructed how to put on the armor and to stand in this day of adversary. We were trained how to fight an unseen enemy. But now, in the midst of this battle I realize, there are some things I need to go through. There are some things that cannot be taught sitting in the pews of a comfortable place. They are only learned in the middle of the battle grounds.
His hand still in mine, He pulls me out of the mud and sets me on steady ground. I hear Him say, I will lead you to green pastures, in this valley of death you will not fear, I Am — with you, your Shield, Strong Tower, Captain of this army.
As we marched, He no longer lead me but came alongside me. I realized then, I am not alone and while He’s beside me I am not afraid. If darkness surrounds me again, I will remember what He did for me, the soft hand on my face, the tender kiss on my lips, the warmth and strength received as He prayed. The words whispered in the dark of battle I will proclaim in the light. What I learned in this this dark valley I will share with my comrades.